viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

my favorite subject

           My favorite subject is histology, in histology  the teacher  teach the composition of each one part of the body, organ`s system , organs, etc. They show  the different cells that exist and since they relate  the way that surrounds them. 
             Apart from having theoretical classes we have practical classes in that we use microscopes to see small plates, where it puts on a chunk of an organ. And after they show every component of this organ.
                          I like, in the first placeof this subjet, is that  in charge teacher (Soledad Fernandez), she is  very nice, and teaches very well, though also often she doesn`t explain everything because many people not understand, and in  second place, I like  learn names of memory,  see where is,  know what is this, and which is it´s function, because i can understand many physiological processes.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Peter C. Doherty

          In first place I do not admire anybody related to the veterinary medicine, but I consider very importantly that a veterinarian should receive the nobel prize of physiology and medicine, for discovers the paper of the lymphocytes T, which is fundamental in the immunology. 
       The veterinarian that realize this investigation is Peter C. Doherty, is an Australian veterinarian who studied in Queensland's University and graduate in 1996. He work in diverse institutions, in that it was giving lessons.
         Apart from receiving the nobel  prize, received other distinctions, as the Paul Ehrlich  prize in Germany, the prize the International Award of the Gairdner Foundation of Canada, and the prize Albert lasker of investigation medicates.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

because I chose this carrer................

              I chose  study veterinary  because I like the medicine in general, whether human medicine or veterinary medicine. Inside the motives for which I chose veterinary medicine  is the topic of the labor field, as already I said in the past work. Also this one the point of the animals, because obviously, it’s the center of the career.
        In a beginning my idea was to follow the area of the animal care in zoos to be able to devote to work with tigers or lions; later I thought  devote myself to the horses, but the labor field is very difficult. Now I think about other options, as the part of clinic .... but,  I never working in   production, because it is very boring to work extracting calculations ... and I hate the economy....
          The university also is  very important in  the moment to choose the career, and for my the only option was the Universidad de Chile, for the prestige

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011


I am javier esteban masias castro, student of veterinary medicine in the Universidad de Chile, in the second year. I`m 20 years old. I`m living whit my mother, my brother and  sister, in the my mother`s house. I choose to study veterinary medicine because i like the biology, the medicine and obvious, the animals. In addition the labor field of the veterinarian is more "relaxed", in the sense that you can be outdoors and not necessarily enclosed in an office.